Operating Income Before Depreciation And Amortization - OIBDA
A non-GAAP measure of financial performance used by companies to show profitability in c...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Cumulative Volume Index - CVI
A momentum indicator that gauges the movement of funds into and out of the entire stock ...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Federal Trade Commission - FTC
An independent federal agency whose main goals are to protect consumers and to ensure a ...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Civil Money Penalty - CMP
A punitive fine imposed by a civil court on an entity that has profited from illegal or ...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
American Stock Exchange - AMEX
The third-largest stock exchange by trading volume in the United States. In 2008 it was ...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Industry Classification Benchmark - ICB
A company-classification system for stocks developed by Dow Jones and FTSE. The Industry...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002 - SOX
An act passed by U.S. Congress in 2002 to protect investors from the possibility of frau...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Securities Transfer Association Medallion Program - STAMP
A verification system used by many different institutions to authorize and guarantee the...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Registered Retirement Income Fund - RRIF
A retirement fund similar to an annuity contract that pays out income to a beneficiary o...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Social Security Administration - SSA
A U.S. government agency created in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the SSA adm...
缩写 2021-06-19