
  • Just In Case - JIC

    An inventory strategy in which companies keep large inventories on hand. This type of in...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Free On Board - FOB

    A trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods on board a vessel designated by the b...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Foreign Credit Insurance Association - FCIA

    A federal agency that provides insurance for U.S. exporters. The Foreign Credit Insuranc...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Sustainable Growth Rate - SGR

    The maximum growth rate that a firm can sustain without having to increase financial lev...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Management And Employee Buyout - MEBO

    A restructuring initiative that involves both managerial and non-managerial employees bu...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Money Zero Maturity - MZM

    A measure of the liquid money supply within an economy. MZM repsents all money in M2 les...

    缩写 2021-06-19

    A nonprofit organization that provides investment and insurance services for those worki...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • KSOP

    A qualified retirement plan that combines an employee's stock ownership plan (ESOP) with...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Certified Financial Divorce Practitioner - CFDP

    A member of the Academy of Financial Divorce Practitioners who is certified in the finan...

    缩写 2021-06-19
  • Supplemental Security Income - SSI

    A federal program that provides additional income for older and disabled people with lit...

    缩写 2021-06-19