Stock Keeping Unit - SKU
SKU管理(Stock Keeping Unit,单品项管理) 什么是SKU管理 在连锁零售门店中有时说单品为一个SKU(中文译为最小存货单位,英文全称为Stock Kee...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Owners' Equivalent Rent - OER
The amount of rent that could be paid to substitute a currently owned house for an equiv...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Reperforming Loan - RPL
A loan on which the borrower was behind on payments (delinquent) by at least 90 days but...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Currency Adjustment Factor - CAF
A type of charge applied on top of freight costs by carriers servicing trade between the...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Certified Investment Management Consultant - CIMC
CIMC's have completed extensive course work and passed NASD proctored examinations for L...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Unlimited Liability Corporation - ULC
A corporate structure that permits a company to be incorporated and flow all profits and...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Forward Triangular Merger
A type of merger that occurs when the subsidiary of the acquiring corporation merges wit...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
Euro Interbank Offer Rate - EURIBOR
The rate of interest at which panel banks borrow funds from other panel banks, in market...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
China Securities Regulatory Commission - CSRC
The main securities regulatory body in China, which was created in 1992 and governs over...
缩写 2021-06-19 -
CMBX Indexes
A group of indexes made up of 25 tranches of commercial mortgage-backed securities (C抵押贷...
缩写 2021-06-19