
100% Equities Strategy

外汇网2021-06-19 16:33:54 52
An investment strategy for an inpidual portfolio or pooled funds vehicle such as a mutual fund. Only equity securities are considered for investment, whether they be listed stocks, over-the-counter stocks, or private equity shares. A mutual fund or ETF will often state a "100% equities strategy" in its prospectus to inform potential investors of the fund's overall risk profile.

Taobiz explains 100% Equities Strategy

Equities are generally considered the riskier asset class over both bonds and cash, but historical returns have been higher as well. A well persified portfolio of all stocks can protect against inpidual company risk or even sector risk, but market risks will still exist that can affect the equities asset class. All-stock portfolios will perform best when the underlying economy is growing (as measured by 国内生产总值) and inflation is low to moderate, as inflation diminishes the future cash flows of equities.

