Purchasing Power
1. The value of a currency expssed in terms of the amount of goods or services that one ...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Free-Float Methodology
A method by which the market capitalization of an index's underlying companies is calcul...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Beginning Market Value (BMV)
The valuation at which the property should exchange at the date of origin, and the begin...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Mixed Lot
A type of order for a number of securities that is not a round (or whole) lot order amou...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Commodity-Product Spread
The commodity-product spad is the difference between the price of a raw material commodi...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Vienna Stock Exchange (WBAG) .VI
Also known as the Wiener Borse AG, this exchange is located in Vienna, Austria. It is on...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Hard Stop
A price level that, if reached, will trigger an order to sell an underlying security. Ha...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Active Investing
An investment strategy involving ongoing buying and selling actions by the investor. Act...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Head Trader
The manager of a tradingbusiness. He or she is responsible for the positions, risk and u...
交易 2021-06-19 -
A term used to refer to the open orders held by floor brokers on futures exchanges. The ...
交易 2021-06-19