Zero Minus Tick
A securities trade executed on an exchange at the same price as the pceding trade, but a...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Acronym for the "Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate." The Japanese Bankers Association (JBA) p...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Pairs Trade
The strategy of matching a long position with a short position in two stocks of the same...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Two-Sided Market
A market in which market makers (or specialists) are required to give both a firm bid an...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Alternative Order
A combination order whereby two separate orders are entered on the same security. The ex...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Santiago Stock Exchange (SSE) .SN
Located in Santiago, the SGO is the pmier stock exchange of Chile. It trades stocks, bon...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Follow-Up Action
Any subsequent trading that affects an established position in a security or derivative....
交易 2021-06-19 -
Synthetic Futures Contract
A position created by combining call and put options for the purpose of mimicking the pa...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Allocation Notice
An official notification from an options clearing firm to the writer of an option that t...
交易 2021-06-19 -
Risk Arbitrage
A broad definition for three types of arbitrage that contain an element of risk: 1) Merg...
交易 2021-06-19