
  • Suspended Loss

    A capital loss that cannot be realized in a given tax year due to passive activity limit...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • IRS Publication 503: Child And Dependent Care Expenses

    A document published by the Internal Revenue Service that outlines the criteria which mu...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Unaudited Opinion

    An opinion that can be offered by a Certified Public Accountant before he or she audits ...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Parsonage Allowance

    An allowance designated by a church or other organization for its church professionals (...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Value-Added Tax - VAT

    A type of consumption tax that is placed on a product whenever value is added at a stage...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Passive Activity Loss Rules

    A set of rules that prohibits using passive losses to offset earned or ordinary income. ...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Research Activities Credit

    Default">A nonrefundable federal tax credit implemented in 1981 as an incentive for busi...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Income Exclusion Rule

    A rule that sets aside certain types of income as nontaxable. There are many types of in...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Tax Liability

    The total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to an authority as th...

    税务 2021-06-19
  • Horizontal Equity

    The theory stating that people in the same income bracket should be taxed at the same ra...

    税务 2021-06-19