
  • Bank Of Canada - BOC

    The central bank of Canada, that came into existence after the passing of the Bank of Ca...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • IEP (Irish Pound)

    The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Irish pound (IEP), the currency of ...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • Overnight Position

    Trading positions not closed by the end of the trading day and held overnight. For securi...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • Japanese Housewives

    In the foreign exchange world, a collective term for the legions of Japanese housewives ...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • Aggregate Demand

    英文名称:Aggregate Demand 中文名称:总需求一定期间内一国或地区对商品和劳务的需求总量。 The total amount of goods and servi...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • JOD

    The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Jordanian Dinar (JOD), the currency...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • Managed Currency

    Any currency that can have its exchange rate affected by the intervention of a central b...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • Depth of Market

    A measure of the number of open buy and sell orders for a security or currency at differ...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • BBA Mortgage Approvals

    The number of mortgage or home loans collectively approved by members of the British Ban...

    外汇 2021-06-19
  • Funding Currency

    The currency being exchanged in a currency carry trade. A funding currency typically has...

    外汇 2021-06-19