Original Issue Discount - OID
The discount from par value at the time that a bond or other debt instrument is issued. ...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Put Bond
A bond that allows the holder to force the issuer to repurchase the security at specifie...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Capital Note
Fixed income products issued by companies as a source of short term debt. |||Capital no...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Immediate Payment AnnuityImmunizationImplementation LagHigh-Yield Bond SpreadHigh-Yield BondGross Re
An annuity contract that is purchased with one payment and has a specified payment plan ...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Bonds rated Ba3/BB- are generally considered speculative in nature and are not considere...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Accreted Value
The value, at any given time, of a multi-yearinstrument that accrues interest but does n...
债券 2021-06-19 -
1. A procedure used to calculate the zero-coupon yield curve from market figures. 2. A s...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Interest Rate
The amount charged, expssed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower for ...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Non-Competitive Tender
One of the two bid processes for buying debt issuances. Non-competitive tender is for sm...
债券 2021-06-19 -
Convertible Bond Arbitrage
An arbitrage strategy that aims to capitalize on mispricing between a convertible bond an...
债券 2021-06-19