
  • Limited Recourse Debt

    A debt in which the creditor has limited claims on the loan in the event of default. Lim...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Mortgage Pool

    A group of mortgages held in trust as collateral for the issuance of a mortgage-backed s...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Debenture

    A type of debt instrument that is not secured by physical asset or collateral. Debenture...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Normal Yield Curve

    A yield curve in which short-term debt instruments have a lower yield than long-term deb...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Commodity-Backed Bonds

    A commodity-backed bond is an investment term referring to a type of bond whose value is...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Unsecured Note

    A loan that is not secured by the issuer's assets. Unsecured notes are similar to debentu...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Hypothecation

    When a person pledges a mortgage as collateral for a loan, it refers to the right that a...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Lottery Bond

    A bond issued in the U.S. and U.K. with a rate of return dependent upon a lottery style ...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • LIBOR Curve

    A graphical repsentation of various maturities of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIB...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Ending Market Value (EMV)

    The value of an investment at the end of the investment period. Ending market value (EMV...

    债券 2021-06-19