
  • Short-Term Paper

    Financial instruments typically with original maturities of less than nine months. Short...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Bulldog Bond

    英文名称:Bulldog Bond 中文名称:猛犬债券指非英国的公司或政府在伦敦发行的以英镑来计算的债券。 A sterling denominated bond that i...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Canada Savings Bond - CSB

    A financial product issued by the Bank of Canada. It offers a competitive rate of intere...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Principal-Protected Note - PPN

    A fixed-income security that guarantees a minimum return equal to the investor's initial...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Arrears

    Overdue debt, liability or obligation. An account is said to be "in arrears" if one or m...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Subordination Clause

    A clause in an agreement which states that the current claim on any debts will take prior...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Discount Margin - DM

    The return earned in addition to the index underlying the floating rate security. |||The...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Soft LoanSovereign BondSovereign DebtSight Letter of CreditSingle Monthly Mortality - SMMShort Coupo

    1. A loan with a below-market rate of interest. 2. Loans made by multinational developme...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • Act Of God Bond

    英文名称:Act of God Bond 中文名称:天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害产生的公司损失联系起来。 A bond issued by an...

    债券 2021-06-19
  • CD Ladder

    A strategy in which an investor pides the amount of money to be invested into equal amou...

    债券 2021-06-19