Below the Market
An order to buy or sell a security at a price lower than the current market price. Taob...
股票 2021-06-19 -
Active Index Fund
A type of index fund where a fund manager bases the fund's initial investment proportion...
股票 2021-06-19 -
Insider Buying
The purchase of shares of stock in a corporation by someone who is employed by the compa...
股票 2021-06-19 -
英文名称:Auction 中文名称:拍卖也称标售,指发行人邀请得到授权的平台商出价投标,直至拟卖出的证券全部出售,是公开卖出证券的一种方式。e.g. Later this af...
股票 2021-06-19 -
Conglomerate Boom
A rapid growth in the number of conglomerates, or big corporations made up of many compa...
股票 2021-06-19 -
Trading Curb
A temporary restriction on program trading in a particular security or market, usually t...
股票 2021-06-19 -
Excess Spread
Remaining net interest payments from the underlying assets of an asset-backed security, ...
股票 2021-06-19 -
A practice where brokers, dealers or high-frequency traders jump to the front of the lin...
股票 2021-06-19 -
A situation in which a large block of stock is held by an unfriendly company. This force...
股票 2021-06-19 -
If-Converted Method
A method used to calculate the share impact of convertible securities if they were conve...
股票 2021-06-19