
Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT

外汇网2021-06-21 22:26:46 50
A type of two-way satellite that transmits both narrow and broadband data to satellites in orbit. The data is then redirected to other remote terminals or hubs around the planet. VSATs are mainly used for wireless transmission of real-time data.

Taobiz explains Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India is one of the largest VSAT based exchanges in the world. Supporting more than 3,000 terminals, the NSE network is the largest private wide-area network in the country. The NSE uses real-time online application, which is supported by 15 computer systems, including nonstop, fault-tolerant computers and high-end UNIX servers.

Other VSAT networks include the U.S. Postal Service and Wal-Mart.

