哥伦比亚比索简介 哥伦比亚比索是哥伦比亚的法定货币。哥伦比亚钞票原来面额较小,有1、2、5、10、20、50、100、200、500比索等9种纸币,但后来1、2、 5、10、20、50比索的纸币退出流通,又新添加1000、2000、5000、10000比索等4种大面额纸币。当下市面上有从1百到1万7种面额的纸币流通。另外,在原有1、2、5比索和1、5、10、20、50分铸市基础上,又新添加了10、20、50比索的硬币。哥伦比亚的辅币进位制是1比索等于100分(Centavos)。它的钞票不论面额大小,尺寸都是14.0×7.O厘米,纸质一般,有水印。1946年12月28号初次规定含金量为0.507816克,官方汇率为1美元兑1.74999比索。1965年9月2号哥伦比亚政府将官方外汇市场分为优惠市场和自由波动的官方外汇市场,前者汇率为1美元兑9比索,用于石油进口;后者汇率为1美元兑13.5比索,用于绝多部分商业及金融往来。 1971年12月18号美元贬值,外汇市场比索对美元汇率保持不变。年末两个市场汇率都是1美元兑21比索,事实上已形成了一个统一的市场。此后,比索对美元汇率持续下挫。80年代以来,比索汇率价格仍继续下挫,尤其是80年代中期以后其下挫程度更大,每年都以胜过20%的进展下挫,到1990年末比索对美元平均汇率价格为1美元兑508.75比索。 哥伦比亚比索币值与换算 纸币有:100、200、500、1000、2000、5000、10000比索铸币有:1、2、5、10、20、50比索和1、5、10、20、50分1比索等于100分(Centavos) 待翻译 The History of the Colombian PesoThe peso has been the currency of Colombia since 1837. It was introduced at a value of 8 reales. In 1847, Colombia decimalized and the peso was subpided into ten reales, renamed decimos in 1853. The current system of 100 centavos to the peso was introduced in 1872.From 1888, printing pss inflation caused Colombia's paper money (issued by the National Bank and denominated in peso moneda corriente) to fall in value relative to the coinage. In 1904, the Treasury took over the issuance of paper money. The exchange rate was fixed at 100 peso moneda corriente = 1 coinage peso in 1907 and between then and 1914, coins were issued denominated in "peso p/m", equal to paper pesos. In 1910, the Junta de Conversion began issuing paper money and, in 1915, a new paper currency was introduced, the peso oro.This was equal to the coinage peso and replaced the old peso notes at a rate of 100 old paper pesos = 1 peso oro. Although it never appeared on coins, Colombia's paper money continued to be issued denominated in peso oro until 1993 when the word oro was dropped.The Colombian peso's ISO 4217 code is COP and it is also informally abbreviated as COL$. Prices in Colombia are written using the peso symbol "$" which is the same as the dollar sign.Colombian CoinsColombian coins are issued in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 pesos. A 1000 pesos coin was introduced in 1996 but due to massive counterfeiting problems it was soon withdrawn.Colombian BanknotesBanknotes currently circulate in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000 and 50000 pesos. On 17 November 2006: the Bank of the Republic of Columbia introduced new versions of the 1000 and 2000 pesos banknote. The new versions, dated 2005, are similar in design to the pvious versions. However the new banknotes were downsized to from 70 mm x 140 mm to 65 mm x 130 mm as an economy measure. 哥伦比亚比索样币 哥伦比亚比索铸币
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