英文名称:Bond Option 中文名称:债券期权以债券为标的物的期权。债券期权的购入者有权在期权到期日或以前,按事先约定的单价和数量买卖某种债券;而债券期权的出售者务必无条件接受期权购入者的选择。
An option contract in which the underlying asset is a bond. Other than the different characteristics of the underlying assets, there is no significant difference between stock and bond options. Just as with other options, a bond option allows investors the ability to hedge the risk of their bond portfolios or speculate on the direction of bond prices with limited risk. A buyer of a bond call option is expecting a decline in interest rates and an increase in bond prices. The buyer of a put bond option is expecting an increase in interest rates and a decrease in bond prices.随机快审展示
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