
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)

外汇网2021-06-19 20:54:12 62

A type of mortgage-backed security that is secured by the loan on a commercial property. A C抵押贷款支持债券 can provide liquidity to real estate investors and to commercial lenders. As with other types of 抵押贷款支持债券, the increased use of C抵押贷款支持债券 can be attributable to the rapid rise in real estate prices over the years.

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Watch: Mortgage-Backed Securities

|||Because they are not standardized, there are a lot of details associated C抵押贷款支持债券 that make them difficult to value. However, when compared to a residential mortgage-backed security (R抵押贷款支持债券), a C抵押贷款支持债券 provides a lower degree of ppayment risk because commercial mortgages are most often set for a fixed term.

