

外汇网2021-06-19 14:14:01 95
Unemployed inpiduals who decide to enjoy the free time that unemployment provides. The term was coined during the financial crisis of 2008-2009 to describe those who had recently lost their jobs and were choosing to use their newfound freedom to travel, go to the beach, be physically active and generally enjoy themselves until they found a new job.

People who describe their joblessness as funemployment are typically younger inpiduals with fewer fiscal responsibilities or people who have accumulated enough savings to enjoy the extra time their unemployment has afforded them. People who describe themselves as funemployed often point out that during times of recession, finding a new job can be a long and stressful process, so rather than spending their days worrying about their future, they take advantage of the chance to do things they would be unable to do if they were working.

