Canada Pension Plan - CPP
外汇网2021-06-19 13:55:36
One of three levels of Canada's retirement income system, which is responsible for paying retirement or disability benefits. The Canada Pension Plan was established in 1966 to provide a basic benefits package for retirees and disabled contributors. If the recipient dies, survivors receive the plan's provided benefits. The CPP pays a monthly amount, which is designed to replace about 25% of the contributor's earnings on which initial contributions were based, and is indexed to the Consumer Price Index.
|||There are several rules governing the amount an inpidual will receive upon retirement or disability. This amount is based on the person's age and how much he or she contributed to CPP while working. CPP benefits are considered taxable income. This is why some households elect to share the income, which can reduce taxes.CPP is roughly equivalent to the U.S. Social Security program. People residing in Quebec contribute to and receive the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), not the CPP.
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