
John Bogle

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The founder of The Vanguard Group, and a major figure in the index investing community. John Bogle was the first person to offer an index fund to retail customers. Bogle's flagship Vanguard 500 Fund became the world’s largest mutual fund by assets in 2002.

Bogle is an author which has long been a proponent of passive investing over active management, and for low fees and no sales charges.

John Bogle is considered the Godfather of Index investing, believing that the average investor cannot "beat the market" over time, and shouldn’t pay (or at least overpay) for anyone else to try. His Vanguard funds are renowned for their ultra-low expense ratios, and for having no loads. The Vanguard 500 Fund carries a total expense ratio of less than 0.5% of assets annually, and has outperformed the majority of mutual funds over the past 25 years.


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